01: Developing Products

How we package healthcare into products, price them and implement them in our systems.

0 AI use cases

Create Insurance Products

Designing products is our opportunity to make care affordable, by combining provider networks, benefits and plan designs into a “subscription package” to manage a member’s health.

Define Benefits

Which clinical services, drugs, and any kind of other benefits do we include in our plan offerings?

Invent Plan Designs

Plan designs are real-world behavioral economics: how can we set cost-sharing rules so that we make great healthcare more affordable?

Price Risk

We compete to offer the best healthcare for the lowest price. Pricing risk well is the ultimate distillation of our competitiveness.

Estimate & Target Unit Costs, Risk Pool, Benefit Cost

To price competitively, iterate on the right mix of healthcare unit costs, expectations for utilization risk, and the cost of what’s included.

Set Pricing

Signals on healthcare risk can be slow and confusing. We price better by generating deeper insights, earlier.

Implement Products

Health plan products exist in a complex regulatory environment, which requires close attention to guidance changes, and flawless execution of regulatory filings.